Sunday, June 11, 2006

What the Northwest does on a sunny summer weekend....

Today we had our first sunny day since I can't remember when.... On Saturday Sue and I heard what sounded like an amazing drag race happening down the hill. It went on all day and I finally realized what it was... Hydroplane racing at Lake Sammammish. On Sunday we went down to check it out. Here are some pictures (click on any picture to get a larger view)

OK.. I have a soft spot for the car shows... this was one of the cooler old cars, a Dodge Super Bee

The Hydroplane Pits:

I have to admit that the best thing we saw all day was a juvenile Blad Eagle who was cruising the water front and occasionally dipping into the water for his lunch...

Lifting the boats out onto the water when they raced

There were a lot of family teams

Here I am in front of one of the old boats

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